Towpath Shop Bridging Indoor-Outdoor Experience

Seamlessly Blending Spaces Towpath Shop, designed by Studio GIMGEOSIL, offers an immersive experience where the boundaries between indoor and outdoor seamlessly dissolve. The design ethos revolves around creating openness, facilitated by expansive clear openings that invite glimpses of the lush greenery outside, blurring

Embodying Peaceful Coexistence TOKI+LIM Beauty Salon by kfuna

Integrating Tradition and Modernity TOKI+LIM Beauty Salon, nestled within Singapore’s iconic Raffles Hotel, reflects a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. The salon’s name, TOKI (日月) + LIM, symbolizes the sun and moon in Japanese, representing the passage of time. Designed by KANTARO

Integrative Approach to Student Wellness The University of Chicago Student Wellness Center by Wight & Company

A Holistic Vision for Student Care The University of Chicago embarked on a mission to provide comprehensive health services to its students by integrating the departments of Health, Counseling, and Wellness into a unified facility. Situated within the historic Lying-In Hospital along the

Crafting a Responsive Living Space The Unfolding Home by ACOS (A Collection of Stories)

Embracing the Narrative: Designing for Everyday Scenarios “The Unfolding Home” is more than just a living space; it’s a narrative-driven environment meticulously crafted to cater to the ever-changing needs and emotions of its inhabitant. Nestled in a quaint town in Pomerania along the

Redefining Urban Spaces The others Store by Mur Mur Lab

Unveiling a Historical Tapestry: Context of Kangding Road Situated in Shanghai’s Jing’an district, Kangding Road boasts a rich historical tapestry dating back to the 1920s and 1930s. Once renowned for its small factories and labyrinthine alleyways, the street now preserves remnants of its

Reinventing Workspace The Orfium Project Offices by elSTUDIO

Introduction The Orfium Project Offices, located in Athens, underwent a transformative renovation spearheaded by elSTUDIO. Tasked with enhancing the workplace environment for the multinational company Orfium, renowned for its role in music copyright management, elSTUDIO aimed to cultivate a space that fostered collaboration,

Redefining Salon Spaces The Hairett Salon by Spaceology

Introduction Nestled in the vibrant heart of Bangkok, The Hairett Salon stands as a beacon of uniqueness amidst the bustling landscape of feminine hairdressing establishments. With a keen focus on character and individuality, Spaceology embarked on a transformative journey to craft a salon

Tangning Books A Fusion of Architecture and Storytelling by Leaping Creative

Introduction Tangning Books, nestled within Si Hai Cheng Plaza in Guangzhou’s Panyu District, stands as a testament to architectural transformation and narrative-driven design. In collaboration with Leaping Creative, the bookstore underwent a remarkable metamorphosis to embody the essence of community, culture, and creativity.

Maximizing Space The Stendhal Apartment by miogui

Introduction miogui was tasked with refurbishing the Stendhal Apartment in Paris’s 20th arrondissement, following their successful renovation of a studio in the same building. With a focus on maximizing space and light, miogui aimed to create a sense of spaciousness within the compact

Harmonizing Landscape Steel Moment Coffee Shop and Bakery

Introduction The Steel Moment coffee shop and bakery seamlessly integrate the surrounding landscape into its interior, offering patrons a unique sensory experience that blurs the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. Innovative Design Solutions Addressing the challenge of level differences between the high