Enhancing Energy Efficiency: Minimizing Thermal Bridges in Balconies

Balconies often pose a significant challenge to energy efficiency in buildings due to the structural elements required to support them, which can create thermal bridges, resulting in up to 25% of the total energy loss in a building. Understanding the Issue This guide

Exploring the Vitrocsa Turnable Corner Minimalist Window

Vitrocsa, a pioneer in minimalist window design, showcases innovative expertise through its range of in-house developed systems and solutions, all crafted to Swiss Made quality standards. The Turnable Corner System The Turnable Corner system is engineered to optimize space utilization by employing a

Exploring the ah!38 Minimalist Window by panoramah!®

The ah!38 minimalist window system offers a sophisticated solution for architectural projects, focusing on the structural integrity of glass to create expansive glazed areas with minimal aluminum profiles. panoramah!®’s innovative approach places glass as the primary, self-supporting component, while aluminum frames fulfill secondary

Introducing ah! Pivot: Redefining Minimalist Doors

panoramah!® introduces Pivot, a revolutionary opening system designed to provide seamless access and enhance architectural aesthetics. The Pivot system operates using a pivoting component with a central or side rotation axis, allowing large glass surfaces to rotate and open from both sides of

Rabel 62 Slim Super Thermal: Redefining Minimalism in Sliding Doors

The RABEL 62 Slim Super thermal sliding door by Rabel Aluminium Systems offers a sleek solution tailored for contemporary buildings featuring large openings. With a visible middle post size of just 26mm, this system prioritizes minimalist aesthetics while ensuring exceptional weather performance and

Aurubis Mill Finished Copper: Preserving Tradition with Nordic Standard

Aurubis presents a diverse range of copper solutions for roofs and façades, offering factory-applied surface treatments to achieve various stages of oxidation and patination. The Nordic Copper range encompasses a spectrum of finishes, including brown oxidation and green or blue pre-patination, catering to

Kriskadecor Metal Fabric Ceilings: Unleashing Architectural Creativity

Kriskadecor offers a revolutionary solution with its Waves metal fabric ceilings, harnessing the lightness and adaptability of anodized aluminum links to create stunning, customized curved ceilings. These ceilings transcend traditional design boundaries, offering endless possibilities ranging from simple geometries to intricate organic sculptures

Kriskadecor Outdoor Cladding: Enhancing Building Performance

Kriskadecor offers a reliable outdoor cladding system designed to provide safety and durability while covering large surfaces with aluminum chain links. This system not only enhances the thermal environment within buildings but also reduces energy transmission from direct sunlight, facilitating ventilation and comfort.

Holcim’s Low-Carbon Concrete Solution: ECOPact

Holcim, a global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions, recognizes the pressing need to address climate change by reducing carbon emissions in the construction sector. With the construction industry responsible for 38% of the world’s CO₂ emissions, Holcim is committed to decarbonizing

Vectorworks Landmark: Empowering Landscape Architects and Designers

Vectorworks Landmark is a specialized drawing tool tailored for landscape architects and designers by Vectorworks, a leading global provider of design and BIM software solutions. This software is equipped with intelligent objects, robust databases, and flexible documentation features, streamlining integrated 2D and 3D